
St. Louis Meeting on the 17th, CAD Camp on the 18th

Joint Gateway AUG meeting with SLAMSUG on CAD Camp Eve.

Come one, come all... whether you're a member of the Mechanical User's Group, SLAMSUG, or the multi-disciplinary group, GAUG, or neither, come along for some free food, good presentations by world-renowned experts and fabulous networking opportunities with local designers.

The meeting will be held at the Orlando Gardens Banquet center Webster Groves location at 8352 Watson Rd. approximately one mile from Highway 44 and the Elm Ave. exit in General Grant Shopping Center.

Food and beverages will be provided by the meeting sponsors Seiler Instrument, Hagerman & D3.

Registration for the JOINT user group starts at 5:45 - 6:15

St. Louis Metro area User Group meeting starts at 6:15 pm


  • AUGI Update: 10 minutes
  • Each technical presentation will be 45 minutes
  • Total run time: 100 minutes or 1 hr - 40 minutes (can vary slightly)

AUGI Update - Matt Murphy Learn about the new and existing programs and initiatives that AUGI is working on to support the user community.

AutoCAD 2008 Annotation Scaling: Intelligent Text -David Cohn Annotation Scaling lets you create text, dimensions, hatch patterns, blocks and other annotation objects that automatically change their size and placement to match the scale of the viewport. See how easy it is to apply annotation properties and create annotative styles. The new annotation scaling tools can save you hours of time previously spent calculating scale factors and creating, editing and managing drawing annotations at multiple scales.

AutoCAD 2008 Productivity Secrets Nobody Told You about Dynamic Blocks and Palettes - Matt Murphy Who has time to build all new Blocks? Can you really be more productive using Palettes? In this presentation you'll learn the "three-click" method to making your existing Blocks into Dynamic Blocks. You'll also learn the secrets to managing Dynamic Blocks as well as the untold techniques to control the roll-up display of all AutoCAD Palettes. Gain instant productivity with techniques you can apply immediately to your AutoCAD projects.

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